
Get Save Now!

Posted: Mar 9, 03:56 PM |

Just tell God what you believe. If you want to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord & Savior today, simply ask God in prayer now:

Lord God, I know that I have done things that are wrong. But I believe that Jesus died on the Cross to pay the punishment for the things I have done. I believe in Your Son Jesus, I believe the Word of God, and I want Jesus to be my Lord and Savior.

I want Him to cleanse me of all my Sins. I know that I have followed my own ways and my own desires. But today I want to repent of these things, I don't want to serve myself anymore. I want to follow You. I want to spend eternity with You! Thank You for the wonderful gift of Your Son Jesus.

Speak to Someone Today

If you would like to speak to someone right now about your decision and how to begin a personal relationship with Jesus Christ,
please call toll-free 1- 800-930-0547.

Commitment to Christ

If you have just made a commitment to Christ, please let us know. We'd like to send you Bible study materials to help you grow in your faith. Please complete the form below to receive these materials.


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Pastor Wales - Our Redeemer! Ancient of Days! Precious Father God! We LOVE YOU! The mediator of the new covenant! We fall down at THY throne! We come under voice of THY BLOOD! We speak to this generation! We ask that YOU open the eye of their hearts! That we all come to the full knowledge of the Redemption work! That we all obtain mercy! Amen!!! Hallelujah!!!



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