Sermons and Teachings

Counting On God's Faithfulness

"Know therefore that the LORD thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations." - Deuteronomy 7:9

I can sing (Psalm 89:1) ...with my mouth will I make known thy faithfulness to all generation, everyday of my life, because I have seen his faithfulness in my little life.

Whatever God has promised you according to his purpose for your life, he will do it. Don't give up. We have enough evidences in scriptures to show that God cannot lie; he has always been faithful to his word. Ps.89:34, Heb.6:12, Isa.55:10-11, Num.23:19, Isa.51:1-2. No matter what you are passing through right now, count on God's faithfulness. Ps.34:19, 1Cor.10:13, Prov.24:16.

You need: Faith, without which you can not receive from God (Heb.11:6) Faith is your personal conviction of the integrity of God. Job said, I know my Redeemer liveth (Job19:25). Abraham was too sure that God cannot fail him, he went ahead to give glory to God, not minding his circumstance (Rom.4:18-20). May your faith never fail you in Jesus name (Luke.22:31-32).

You need: Patience - this is the virtue that enables you to wait on God. God's timing is different from ours (2Pet.3:8), He makes all things beautiful in his time (Ecl.3:11). The waiting time is not a wasted time (Heb.6:12, Heb.10:38).

You need a life of Obedience: keeping the instructions of the word of God in every area of your life (Jn.8:31, Jn.14:23, Job.36:11, 1Sam.15:22). You have to be committed and consistent in your walk with God. You don't live for God some of the time and live for yourself or for the devil the rest of the time. You must surrender all to him. He is either Lord of all or not Lord at all. There is hope for a tree, if it be cut down that it will sprout again... (Job.14:7-9).

My brothers and sister, your case is not closed. God will surely come through for you. God never fails, says a song writer. Just keep that faith and never cease to pray. Jer.29:11 - God's plan for your life will not fail. No matter what the enemy is doing, the Bible says that the counsel of God for your life shall stand (Prov.19:21). Faithful is he that has called you who also will do it (1Thess.5:24). God will do it for you.

Let us pray: Abba Father, the God that Keeps covenant, You are a faithful God. I pray for every one of your children wherever they are, you know them by name, you know where they live. Lord I ask that you show up in their situations right now. Every lie of the devil to make them question your integrity, Lord cancel them in Jesus name. Let their testimonies come speedily and let their joy be full. All the glory and all the honour we give to you, as we pray in Jesus name. Amen.

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