Sermons and Teachings
Doctrine Of Jesus
Jesus Christ is the Grand Subject of the Bible. Every book of the bible makes mention of Him in one way or the other.
His Pre-Existence
- He declared “Before Abraham was I AM”. –John 8:58.
- The Second Man that came from heaven - 1Cor.15:47
- He is The WORD that was in the beginning. - John 1:1-3.
- He was before all things –Col.1:17
- He Shared the same glory with the Father.- John 17:5
His Divinity
- Omnipresent – Where two or there are gathered He’s there –Matt.18:20
- Omniscient – He knew all men and what was in man - John 21:7, 2:24-25, Acts 1:24.
- Creation – By HIM all things were made - John 1:1-3, Heb1:1-2.
- Redeemer of the World – He as the power to forgive sin –Eph.1:7, Mark2:5-11
- Worthy of Worship - John 5:23, Matt.2:2, Heb1:6, Luke 24:52, Phil. 2:10, Rev.5:13, 19:10, 22:8-9, Acts14:11-15.
His Birth Foretold
- As the seed of woman Gen 3:15, -fulfilled –Gal 4:4, Luke 2:7.
- The Promise Seed of Abraham –Gen 18:8, 12:3 – Fulfilled -Acts 3:25, Matt 1-1, Luke 3:24.
- His Conception – Isaiah 7:14 – fulfilled – Matt 1:18-20, Luke 1:26-35
- As a Prophet – Deut.18:15 – fulfilled –John 6:14, John 1:45, Acts 3:19-26.
- His Personal name – Matt. 1:20-23 – fulfilled – Matt.1:25.
- As a priest – after the order of Mel-chiz-ed-ek (The kind that was also a priest) – Psalm110:4 – fulfilled – Heb. 6:20, 5:5-6, 7:15-21.
- As foretold by angel Gabriel “His name shall be called JESUS”. The name in Greek is I-E-SOUS which correspond to the Hebrew name JESHUA or JEHOSHUA in a fuller form meaning “Jehovah is Salvation”. Mark 10:47 and Acts 2:22 called is His name Jesus of Nazareth.
- CHRIST is from Greek – KHRI-STOS the equivalent of Hebrew Ma-siach (Messiah), and means the “ANOINTED ONE”.
- Jesus was also uniquely called THE CHRIST, Son of the Living God. – Matt 16:16, Acts 10:38, John1:35…
- He also known as THE WORD. – John 1:1-3, Rev 19:13, 16, Luke 2:25-26.
The Nativity – (The birth of Christ)
- Conceived of the Holy Spirit. –Matt.1:20
- Born in a manger of the Virgin Mary. – Matt 1:22-25, Luke 2:6-7.
- Angels announced his birth. Luke 2:8-18
- A sign in the sky of His birth. – Matt 2:1-2
- Worshipped by the wise men from the East
- Protected by God through revelation. Matt2:2-15.
His Humanity
- Natural Growth –Luke 2:40.
- Hunger -Luke 4:2
- Sleep – Luke 8:23
- Poverty - Luke 9:58
- Sorrow - Matt 26:37, So He can be touched by the feelings of our infirmities. Heb. 4:14-16.
His Mission To Redeem Mankind from Sin
- By preaching the gospel of the Kingdom. Matt4:17.
- Confirmed His word by healing the sick and all oppressed of the devil. Luke 4:18-21, Acts 10:38.
- By shedding his blood to atone for our sins. Heb. 9;14,1John1:17
- Propitiation for sin through His death on the cross. 1John2:1-2, Rom 3:23-25, Isaiah 53:11.
- To usher the Holy Spirit to empower the Church by His Resurrection & Ascension. John16:7, 14:26, Acts 1:8
- To make fishers of men to work in His stead as His Ambassadors. 2Cor. 5:17-20, Matt. 4:18-22,
- He’s coming back again. John 14:1-3, Luke 19:13.
- We shall occupy till HE comes.
Memory Verse:
"Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also." - John 14:1-3.
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