Sermons and Teachings

Living & Growing In The Word

Food is very important to every human being as to sustain their life. It does not matter how big or how intelligent a person is, a physical food is needed to receive strength to carry on each day.
Likewise, when a person become born again, he receives eternal life which is a spiritual life John 3:16.

He / She will need a spiritual food to sustain his life. 
Hence, Jesus said “Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of God”. Matt.4:4.

The Living Word of God is the only “food” that can sustain the spiritual life which God gives to those who accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

Every living thing must grow. As it grows, its requirement of food also increases. The same is true of our spiritual life. The bible reveals three kinds of spiritual food for three different stages of the Christian life – Milk, Meat and Strong meat. 1 peter2:2,

• The Motive for studying the word of God
• Pray that the Holy Spirit Should guide you in study.
• The quite time
• Word Digestion
• Writing down what you have observed or discovered.
• Personal application of the Word of God.


References: col.3:16, 2Tim 2:15, Heb. 5:12-14, John 1:4, John15:7, Mat. 15:8-9, 1Cor. 2:9-


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