Spirit Filled Articles
THE SECOND WORD OF COMMAND - Bliss & Fire Network Weekly Digest - Success Scripture November 24, 2009
''Be careful for nothing but by prayers and supplication with thanksgivings, let your requests be made known unto God; and the peace of God which passed all understanding shall keep your hearts in Christ Jesus.'' -Philippians 4: 6-7.
...this answers the questions and resolves the case of those who in spite of their new birth still suffers heavy demonic attacks and oppositions. LIVE AS PER TODAY: We breakdown often in life because we bother ourselves too much; we worry about future, the unknown, the unseen, the yet unborn, dreams we have not accomplished. We offend our destiny, hamper our all-round flourishing and defeat divine plan through our carnal behaviors. Rather than celebrate the victory we enjoyed yesterday, and the glory we see today, we are concerned with tomorrow. As such, distress set in and sorrow takes the place of rejoicing, ashes overrule beauty and spirits of heaviness overwhelm us in the stead of the garments of praise.
Your new birth and ordination command praise and worship of the Lord but how often do you sing His praises? How much of your time do you devote to thankfulness and dancing, in acknowledgment of the beauty of His presence and power? We are found more active in the asking. God would have shown us deep revelations if only we spend some quality time in His presence, just thanking Him for His love and mercy and waiting long in His secret place till He sends us to where ever He chooses.
The Bible says: "Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof." - Matthew 6:34KJV.
The evil in each day is sufficient for the day. You are expected to live daily for God. Jesus thought us in the Lord's Prayer to pray and ask ''Give us this day our daily bread'' In God's wisdom, He provided manna 'daily' for the Israelites in the wilderness and warned them never to keep any till morrow. They were to eat enough for each day and not worry but wait in trust for tomorrow's provision. HE (Jesus) is the same yesterday, today and forever. Has He done it before? He will do it again. He is our all-sufficiency.
This Week as we celebrates Thanksgiving, it's an opportunity for you to re-dedication your life, your family and your ministry to the LORD in thanksgiving. A time to be grateful to HIM and to appreciate the life HE has given you. Do this and see how God will take care of your tomorrow.
Remember the Bible says: ''Be careful for nothing but by prayers and supplication with thanksgivings, let your requests be made known unto God; and the peace of God which passed all understanding shall keep your hearts in Christ Jesus.'' - Philippians 4: 6-7
We are praying for you,
It's our JOY to see you blessed!
Apostle Gbenga Afolayan
Bliss & Fire Network Team.
Deliverance from bondage of the game: World of Warcraft. I came in church where Pastor Wales had a ministration. After sermon, he is starts to pray for everybody, and I asked for prayer too, to be filled with the Holy Spirit. I was filled; I realized what is true freedom and life without guilt and shame. - Danijel Ponjican Ponke (Serbia).
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